Oh no. Another travel blog.


But this is a travel blog about Mexico. Specifically weekends away in my top destinations in Mexico. Bite-sized itineraries suggesting where to go, what to do, what to eat.

Why listen to me?

I’m a published writer for Mexico News Daily and I live in marvelous Mexico City. I spend lots of weekends away exploring new places, taking pictures, and documenting it.

You’ll see that I also include weekend itineraries to top destinations in Europe, Asia, South America, and the USA.

I spent almost 15 years working in the travel industry. I’ve worked on cruise ships, as an international tour manager, as a luxury travel planner, and now I am a freelance writer with an expertise in travel writing.

I’ve published two books and countless articles about the culture, history, and life in Mexico.
Order my books:
Wander Lust — A sexy, sassy memoir
80 Simple yet Powerful Lessons I’ve Learned in my 30s

Sign up for my (almost-weekly) Sunday night love letter!

This may result in an impromptu trip to a place you’ve never been before.

Want to read my published work? Check out my writing portfolio.
Want to read my blog? Click here.