I’m turning into a tortilla.
I don’t do rain.
Or, do I?
I’ve learned a very valuable lesson about life in Mexico City.
But first, why am I even here? And why am I here for a month? Because as you may be gathering, I am currently here and I am staying for a month.
Well I don’t really have an answer. Or rather, I have many.
Ranging from:
I want to know more about it.
I need a change of scenery.
I wish to be in a place where fresh farmer’s markets are within walking distance.
I’m curious about the cultural nuances that I haven’t had adequate time to unravel in my previous visits here.
I’m looking for that dopamine hit that comes with conquering small challenges in another language (like forgetting to retrieve your bank card from the ATM, realizing it the next day, going back to the bank in the hopes that a good samaritan turned it in, understanding the card is likely gone forever, asking the teller to help you make a cash advance on your emergency credit card, being told you need a pin code, having NO idea what that pin code might be, and successfully comprehending that the bank teller cannot finagle a cash advance without it, no matter how much you attempt to charm her!)
I thought it would be fun to torture my cat by throwing her in a carrier and dragging her on a plane. Even though cats hate that sort of thing. (She’s fine, for the record. My girl is an adventurer.)
I really like tequila & tortillas. (This is actually an honest truth. I’m turning into a tortilla.)
I’m curious to know the day to day activities of the people that live here.
I hope to catch a glimpse of the person I become while “living” somewhere new.
So DEEP, right?
Mexico City is incredibly cool. It’s full of museums, street art, street food, parks, and theater. Tons of history and a lot of pride. It’s also huge. Almost 22 million people live here, making it the 2nd largest city in the Western Hemisphere (after Sao Paulo, Brazil). The metropolitan area is divided into “colonias” (i.e. neighborhoods) of which there are (maybe?) 350! And each one has a very distinct personality.
I should know, I've visited them all! Just kidding. I did not nor will I visit every single colonia in Mexico City that would be insane. Though now that I’ve written it, I kind of want to.
Not all of it is very beautiful, though the parts that are, REALLY are. Mexico City has charm and grit. It’s impoverished yet it’s elegant. Some areas are loud and chaotic and others are peaceful and serene. Some parts are clean and others are dirty. Some of the colonial architecture is so arresting you might think for a moment that you’re in a grand European city like Madrid or Paris. And then you hear that sing-songy Mexican accent and you’re whisked back to this mystical, mythical land with a layered history and fascinating culture of which its people are so proud.
I love it I love it I love it.
But I’m not here to write about the charisma of Mexico City. I’m here to tell you about my lesson.
What is it?? What profound message have I uncovered in my first few days here?!
The lesson is…
Always carry an umbrella.
At least in the afternoon. It seemingly rains every day, without fail. And no one seems to care. It’s just part of their day. So they take out their umbrellas or their ponchos (I have never seen so many disposable ponchos in one place in my life) and carry on with their lives.
You might be like, what’s the big deal? I do that all the time.
Because in Miami, we don’t do that all the time. At least I don’t. If it’s raining, I’m not going anywhere. Whatever plans I had, dinner or otherwise, can be considered CANCELED the moment that first raindrop hits the pavement.
That is NOT the case in CDMX. When I got caught in the rain with no umbrella and no poncho, I stood under a tree for a solid 30 minutes. Just stood there. It took me that long to accept that it wasn’t going to stop. I therefore covered my head with my brand new oversized jean jacket and continued on with my day, like everyone else.
As I walked to my temporary home in under a grey, drizzly sky, I suddenly caught a glimpse of the person I would be if I lived in Mexico City. I’d be the type of person who goes out in the rain. A new me! I’m very proud of that.
And so tomorrow, I will buy an umbrella.
Or should I buy a poncho?
Or maybe both?
With love,