One thing I heard this week that I can’t stop thinking about

I haven’t been sleeping well.

So when an overly-dramatic ad for a Jay Shetty podcast popped up on my Instagram – New SHOCKING Science on How to Reverse Your Age by 31 Years & The Damaging Impact of 1 Bad Night Sleep – I clicked and decided to give ol’Shetty a chance (or was it the striking eyes and delicious accent that lured me in?)

In it, he interviews a man named Brian Johnson who claims to be both the most measured (undergoes a weekly MRI to keep meticulous statistics of any changes in his physical metrics) and healthiest man in the world (a highly questionable claim that I take a lot of issue with). 

While none of his 5 suggestions to better sleep were *shocking* to me, this statement was, and not for the reasons you might initially think. Johnson excitedly shared with the listening audience that he believes millennials might be the first generation “to not die”.

In a previous love letter, What if we die and become millionaires, I quoted a fitness instructor from my Miami days: “Isn’t it weird,” she says, swirling her arms up and over her head in a stretching motion that the class is meant to mimic, “that most people assume death is sad? What if it’s not? What if we die and become millionaires? Or we die and we don’t even need money? We think it’s sad but the reality is, no one really knows what’s gonna happen!”

Death is on my mind a lot these days and one thing keeps coming up over and over again – we have no idea what happens next. 

A fact I think is kind of beautiful.

Life is fun and all but seriously, do you really want to do this FOREVER? Who can even afford that?

I don’t know about you, but there will come a point where I’ll be curious to see what’s next (I’m hoping it’s an extended and very blissful spa vacation).

The whole experiment seems so…immature. Are we that afraid of the unknown that we’d rather extend what we do know – for eternity? How is that any different than just, I don’t know, staying in high school for the rest of your life? 

How can anyone be sure that whatever comes next isn’t infinitely better?

What do you think? If faced with the serious prospect of living forever or dying and seeing what’s on deck…what would you choose?

With love,


P.S. If you want to live longER but perhaps not forever, it’s time to incorporate more healthy foods into your life. With my colorful booklet of Chakra-aligned salads, you’ll get all the vitamins, minerals, and energy you need in one giant bowl.

That’s a month, a year, a forever, of salads for $11!

Here’s a free salad recipe to get you started.


Do you know the words to this famous prayer?


Which of these things do you need?